Participate—Online Surveys
Survey topics for the Marina 2045 General Plan Update will focus on existing conditions, issues/opportunities, future vision, land use alternatives, policy framework, and reviewing the draft general plan. Online surveys are available in multiple languages.
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The Policy Frameworks are a step in the General Plan Update process prior to drafting General Plan Elements. The surveys below highlight key ideas for each General Plan Element inspired by feedback from the community.​
The City of Marina invites you to provide input on draft General Plan policy ideas. There is a separate survey for each topic of the General Plan.​
Land Use
English | Spanish | Korean
English | Spanish | Korean
Safety, Hazards, & Climate Change
English | Spanish | Korean
Environmental Justice
English | Spanish | Korean
Economic Development
English | Spanish | Korean
English | Spanish | Korean
Public Utilities, Infrastructure, & Water
English | Spanish | Korean
Parks, Open Space, and Public Facilities
English | Spanish | Korean